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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Favorite Fonts Linky Party!!

Finally in First is having a Favorite Fonts Linky Party! How fun and original! I have so many fonts that I love and I struggled to pick just one. So, I caved and picked all of my favorites (I know, I know - it's supposed to be just 1)! This list has fonts that are paid, free, and one that came on my computer.
*Coming Soon & Kranky can be found here. Scroll down to find each font and then select the 'Download' button. Google asks if you would like to contribute a monetary donation to the font designer, but if you look carefully, there is a link to download the font for free.

*DJ JustWrite, DJ Light, DJ Picket, & DJ Squiggle are paid fonts that are found at DJ Inkers'. Only DJ Squiggle can be downloaded individually, the others are available for purchase on her font cd's.

*Marker Felt is a font that was installed on my Mac when I bought it. I did find a link that has a Marker Felt font that is very similar to mine and it's free!

*Pea Jane is available for free at Kevin and Amanda.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Love this one! Thanks for linking up. I am now a follower.
    Finally in First

  2. I love Kevin and Amanda's fonts, great list!

  3. I am a new follower thanks to the linky party. Stop by my blog & follow me too!
    Peace, Mel D
    Oh the Places We’ll Go

  4. I am obsessed with DJ Inkers! I think I may own every single one of their fonts. Glad I found you through the linky party. Come follow me too!
